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2-Year-Old Boy Left In Vegetative State After Beating From Mom’s Boyfriend

In September of 2018, 2-year old Thomas Sullivan was taken to the emergency room of Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston after sustaining a severe beating from Adam Thomas, his mother’s 28-year old boyfriend.

Thomas received such a cruel beating that he was left in a vegetative state.

Family members report that the toddler can now not feel anything but excruciating pain due to the severe head trauma he suffered at the hands of mom’s abusive boyfriend.

His medical condition in the hospital’s intensive care unit also included burns, multiple fractures affecting different parts of his body, and a lacerated liver.

The medical staff at Texas Children’s Hospital say that as a result of his injuries, Thomas Sullivan is destined to live a life filled with mental and physical disabilities that are permanent and non-reversible.

The 2-year old’s aunt, Sarah Sullivan, told the news media that he can only respond now to pain. Although he is breathing on his own, on occasion his breathing suddenly stops.

She reports that doctors have informed his family to be prepared for round the clock caretaking, and not much change in his condition, for the remainder of his life, however long that might be.

The youngster’s sister Amery, a 3-year old who was also on the receiving end of Adam Thomas’ cruel rage, was hospitalized with damage done to her ribs, pelvic region and stomach.

She was able to undergo surgery but her prognosis is undetermined.

Police records show that the 28-year old boyfriend of the children’s mother was previously suspected of child abuse, including episodes of burning other youngsters too weak or young to defend themselves.

He claimed that the injuries those children sustained were simply the result of accidents.

Thomas and Amery Sullivan got a little justice earlier this year when Adam Thomas was sentenced for his crimes to two life sentences.

The children’s mother, who neglected to care for them or to protect them from her boyfriend’s violent rages, received a sentence this month of 20 years in prison.

2-year old Thomas needs round the clock nursing care in the hospital. The Sullivan family has requested custody of his sister but Child Protective Services is challenging their claim.

A GoFundMe page is now up and running, accepting donations to defray medical expenses for both children.

This is one family who not only needs monetary help but also as many prayers as possible as they continue to try to help these two innocent victims sentenced to lifetimes of pain and suffering.